MHAST is committed to provide mental health education in our community to reduce the stigma associated with a mental illness.  We share our expertise in the following ways:

Mental Health First Aid Training

MHAST offers Mental Health First Aid training for both youth and adults. This program equips participants with the skills to recognize and respond to mental health or substance use challenges in our community. By the end of the training, you’ll understand how to identify symptoms, communicate effectively, and provide initial support. Our training emphasizes real life applications and includes strategies for connecting individuals with professional resources. For more information about upcoming Mental Health First Aid training sessions, please contact us.

“It’s Real” Trainings for Middle and High Schoolers

“It’s Real: Teens and Mental Health” is a 45-minute program for teens, available for classrooms or community organizations. Featuring videos from their favorite celebrities, this engaging program provides essential mental health education and resources, raises awareness about mental health issues, and teaches self-care and how to seek help, empowering young people to take charge of their mental well-being. Please contact us for more information about “It’s Real” trainings.

Education/Informational Presentations

MHAST is happy to provide education, information on our services, and mental health presentations to local agencies. We appreciate opportunities to participate in local health and resource fairs to support local organizations and to share our services in our community. Please contact us to request a presentation or invite us to a resource fair.