MHAST is committed to reduce the stigma sometimes associated with mental health. MHAST provides the following trainings and educational presentations:

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an 8-hour training course that teaches participants how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. Mental Health First Aiders are a vital link, connecting those experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge with appropriate support.

Most of us would know how to help if we saw someone having a heart attack — we’d start CPR, or call 911. But too few of us would know how to respond if we saw someone having a panic attack or if we were concerned that a friend or co-worker might be showing signs of mental illness. MHFA takes the fear and hesitation out of starting these conversations by improving understanding and providing an ACTION PLAN that teaches people to safely and responsibly identify and address a potential mental health or substance use challenge.

Our MHAST staff are trained facilitators through the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. This training is offered at a cost, please call 607-771-8888 option #0 for availability and pricing.

Tending the Roots

Tending the Roots is an 8-hour training focusing on recognizing trauma & cultivating wellness. The training explores how racism, trauma, and social factors impact health. Participants will learn how to use resources and skills to promote healing and resilience. The goal is to create sustainable practices that support health and equity throughout New York.

In this training, participants will: (1) learn about trauma (2) learn how common trauma is, and its effects (3) discover the key influences that help people overcome challenges (4)  develop an understanding of how racism can affect a person’s mental and physical health over time (5) get strategies to support people who have experienced trauma, in a way that works for the long term (6) encourage organizations to build the skills and resources they need to continue providing care for people who have experienced trauma.

Our MHAST staff are trained facilitators through the NYS Trauma-Informed Resource Center (TINRC). This training is offered at no cost, please call 607-771-8888 option #0 for availability.

MHAST Community Presentations

MHAST is available to provide FREE educational presentations related to mental health and services provided by MHAST.

Local organizations: We appreciate opportunities to participate in local resource fairs to share what MHAST has to offer our community.

Middle & High School Students: We provide a training called It’s Real; Teens and Mental Health. This training is an evidence-informed mental health education program designed to help middle and high school students understand the importance of mental health, recognize when they or their peers may be struggling, and identify how to seek help or support others.

Please contact us to request a presentation or invite us to a resource fair. Call: 607-771-8888 option #0